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Image by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can submit?

Footnote Journal promotes the work of student and early career historians, but we welcome submissions from anyone interested in the study of history. If you are submitting an assessment written for a course at your university, please provide the associated course details and what grade was received.

  • What can I submit?

Any well written academic piece that discusses history is welcome at Footnote, including essays, book reviews, or think pieces. The word limit for submissions is 2000 words, but if your article is longer contact the editorial team to discuss your options. 

  • How many times can I submit?

Maximum two articles per person for each issue.


  • What information do I need to include?

Your preferred name (please indicate if you prefer to  be published anonymously) and a title or research question characterising your submission.

  • How does Footnote Journal publish?

There are two versions of each issue – print and online. Environmental concerns and our budget limits our printing capability. Our printed edition is curated according to quality of work and issue themes. Our online edition includes all edited submissions for that edition that have been approved by the team. 

  • What happens when I submit my article?

If selected, our editorial team will read and return an edited version to you for your review and approval. If your article is selected for the print edition, your revised essay will be read a second time and returned for your revision and approval. Your article will then be published.

  • Does Footnote accept opinion pieces or non-academic work?

If your work explores or analyses history, send us a brief pitch at to explain why it should be included.

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