Submission Guidelines
When We Publish
Submission dates for Issue no.4 (Summer 2024):
Submissions Open September 1st, 2024
Submissions Close October 13th 2024
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and may close early.
What We Publish
We publish all manner of history some recent examples include:​​
Modern History
Ancient History
Art History
Queer History
History of Cinema
If you are proud of your work and it relates to any kind of history, we would love to read it!
Submission Guidelines
Articles must be no longer than 2000 words, and should adhere to the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style with footnotes (no in-text citations). We do not include bibliographies so full and correct footnotes are important. Submissions should be sent to uqfootnote@gmail.com, with the following included:
A tentative title for your work.
The essay in .docx format.
To save our volunteer editorial team time, please do not submit more than two articles per issue.
If you have ideas for the journal or are interested in volunteering with us, we would love to hear from you!
If you have any questions, please check our FAQ or feel welcome to contact us by email at uqfootnote@gmail.com